Blog Posts

Detail view of graduation caps during commencement. iStock Image - Grad Cap
June 26, 2024

From Caps and Gowns to New Beginnings

As I reflect on the many high school graduations I have attended over the years, the occasion never loses its magic. Each time I see our students donning their caps and gowns, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and accomplishment. The nature of our work in public education often means the fruits of our labour are not immediately visible the way they are, for example, when a developer hands over the keys to a new home. Our equivalent moment comes at graduation. It is a symbolic turning of the keys, marking the beginning of a new chapter for our graduates.

Detail view of graduation caps during commencement. iStock Image - Grad Cap
Marathon running race, large group of runners
June 4, 2024

The Home Stretch: Finishing Strong

Many years ago, as I trained for my first marathon, one of my mentors—a seasoned runner with countless marathons behind him—shared invaluable wisdom about the importance of finishing strong. He emphasized the need to maintain enough energy to cross the finish line with a smile and a strong pace, regardless of how the race began.

I can still recall his words echoing in my mind: “Remember, it’s not about how you start the marathon; it’s about how you finish. Finish strong.”

Marathon running race, large group of runners
Words that read" Share your good news" and 4 cartoon people standing below the words with their arms up or around eachother. Share Your Good News
April 22, 2024

Sharing Your Good News: Celebrating Our District's Achievements

In our vibrant district, every day brings new stories of innovation, achievement, and collaboration. Whether it’s an inspiring school event or remarkable accomplishments by our students and staff, these stories deserve to be shared and celebrated.

At the Communications Department, we are dedicated to broadcasting these positive stories to enhance the spirit of our district and inspire others. Understanding that these moments truly shape the identity of our school community, we actively seek to highlight the incredible work happening across all our schools.

Words that read" Share your good news" and 4 cartoon people standing below the words with their arms up or around eachother. Share Your Good News
Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
March 15, 2024

Connecting and Celebrating: A Journey Across our District

I think it is important for a Superintendent to try and stay connected to what is happening across the district and the broader community. While there are never enough hours in the week, I do my best to make regular rounds and to take in community events. And wherever possible, I like to share the good things I see.

Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
Hands holding a phone with like, love icon bubbles coming from the phone iStock Image - Social Media
February 1, 2024

Navigating the Social Media Landscape

In today's ever-evolving digital world, social media's role in fostering connections and building community is undeniable. For us in the Communications Department, we're all about embracing these channels – it's our digital playground, after all.

Hands holding a phone with like, love icon bubbles coming from the phone iStock Image - Social Media
Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
February 1, 2024

The Bridge to Anywhere

There are no guarantees in life, but wherever you want to go or can imagine going, education is probably the best way there. How does a child in Kindergarten one day become an architect? How does a grade nine student become an arthroscopic surgeon or an agriculturist? How does one become an electrician or a chef? You guessed it - education. This is why I often describe education as the bridge to anywhere.

Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
Graphic with icons describing video storytelling Communications - Video storytelling
June 20, 2023

The Power of Video Storytelling

In today's digital age, where attention spans are short, and information overload is a constant challenge, organizations continually strive to implement innovative ways to connect with their audience. One strategy we've focused on in the Communications Department over the last few years has been our video storytelling initiatives supporting our work related to the school district's Strategic Plan.

Graphic with icons describing video storytelling Communications - Video storytelling
Start up new project concept stock illustration of rocket ship coming out of laptop iStock-Rocket-Ship-Illustration-Laptop
March 8, 2023

School District launches updated websites with increased accessibility features

Families, students, employees and community members of the Abbotsford School District are experiencing increased functionality and accessibility with the launch of upgraded websites across the district this month. At the end of February, all district and school websites throughout the organization showcased a new look and feel as the large-scale web migration project concluded.

Start up new project concept stock illustration of rocket ship coming out of laptop iStock-Rocket-Ship-Illustration-Laptop
November 24, 2022

Upgrades are coming to!

Our school and district websites are the first places families, stakeholders, and community members go to get the latest information about our school district. These communication tools are the foundation of our information to external and internal audiences and serve as our 24-hour customer service team and virtual front desk.