District Logo

What is in a Name?
Our corporate name Abbotsford School District is both descriptive of our organization and encompasses the essence of our schools, programs and people. Use this name at all times, and avoid using SD34.
AbbySchools.ca is our website, mobile app, and email address. The term Abby Schools can be used with reference to our online presences. But our corporate identity remains Abbotsford School District.

‘A’ is for Abbotsford:
The ‘A’ also implies achievement, acceptance or award. And at Abbotsford School District we embody all of the above! Our logo design is modern, uplifting and active. It has a strong presence and readability at many sizes.
Always include the logo:
The complete Abbotsford School District logo must be present on every item representing the district and its programs or schools.

Everything needs room to breathe and everything has a bubble of personal space that it needs in order to stay comfy. Your logo is no different. Please don’t cage it in.

Avoid Visual Typos
When your logo looks wrong, it’s like having a typo in your name. It doesn’t represent you consistently, clearly or professionally.
x compress or stretch the logo
x enlarge just the symbol
x shrink just the symbol
x use colour logo on dark background
x place logo over a busy image or pattern
x re-arrange the elements
x change the font
x change the colours
Beware of the newspaper or publication designing your ad for you:
Sometimes newspapers and publications that ask for your logo, pay less attention to your logo because they are creating many ads for many different clients. Take care in proofing your materials.

Logos for Download
Please use only proper logo digital files supplied by the District. Logo artwork cannot be altered in any way.
EPS Logo Files
If you are hiring a graphic designer, print shop, sign or embroidery vendor, publication or newspaper etc, and they require EPS "vector" artwork, please contact the District Communications Department if you require these files. Please also direct designers and suppliers to this page to ensure quality, consistent use of logos, fonts, and colours in layouts.
PNG/JPG Logo Files
These are only available to District Staff on the district's OneDrive server.