Highlights - Board Meeting - October 10, 2023
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
Community Partner Presentation: Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association
Kim Riddell, Executive Director, provided an update on the partnership between the district and Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association with a brief overview of the Restorative Action program in Abbotsford middle schools and some information about the results of the Safe Relationships project.
2023-2024 School Start Up Report
Superintendent Nosek provides a report that summarizes the efforts of staff to prepare classrooms for student attendance for September 2023.
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) Report
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the 2023 Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Report in compliance with the Ministry policy.
Accessible British Columbia Act – Implementation
Superintendent Nosek provided the Board with information regarding the implementation of the the Accessible British Columbia Act.
Proposed Boundary Review - Cooper Meadows Development
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve a boundary review to the Margaret Stenersen Elementary/Prince Charles Elementary catchment boundary; and THAT the Board of Education approve a boundary review to the Clayburn Middle/William A. Fraser Middle catchment boundary; and FURTHER THAT the Board of Education approve a boundary review to the Robert Bateman Secondary/Yale Secondary catchment boundary.
Proposed Boundary Review - High Street Village Development
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve a boundary review of the Dave Kandal Elementary/Blue Jay Elementary catchment boundary.
2022-2023 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 and approve any and all interfund transfers.
Capital Additions Update: Auguston Traditional and Margaret Stenersen Elementary Schools
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with information about the capital additions at Auguston Traditional and Margaret Stenersen Elementary Schools.
Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve having all three readings of the Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02 in this one meeting.
Capital Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02 (First, Second and Third Reading)
A recommendation was put forward THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02 be given first reading; and THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02 be given second reading; and further THAT School District No. 34 (Abbotsford) Capital Plan Bylaw No. 2023/24-CPSD34-02, be given third reading, reconsidered, and finally passed and adopted on this 10th day of October 2023.
Administrative Procedure 117: Whistleblower - Annual Report
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with information about Administrative Procedure 117 - Whistleblower – Public Interest Disclsoure Act.
Board Policy 6: Trustee Code of Conduct - Process to Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with information about revisions to Board Policy 6 – Trustee Code of Ethicsto incorporate the updated guidelines.
Revised Board Policy 20: Disposal of Real Property - Notice of Motion
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with information about a Notice of Motion to amend Policy 20 - Disposal of Real Property.