Godson Elementary School

Corporate Logo
The ‘corporate’ logo is used as the official school identity and appears in the header of all templates, on websites and on stationery, etc. It consists of a symbol and wordmark in the same format as the District logo.

Promotional Logo
The ‘promotional’ logo is used for purposes such as clothing, school signs, uniforms, give-aways, murals, etc. Typically, it consists of a symbol or mascot along with a stylized name and/or nickname.

Logos for Download
Please use only proper logo digital files supplied by the District. Logo artwork cannot be altered in any way.
EPS Logo Files
If you are hiring a graphic designer, print shop, sign or embroidery vendor, publication or newspaper etc, and they require EPS "vector" artwork, please contact the District Communications Department if you require these files. Please also direct designers and suppliers to this page to ensure quality, consistent use of logos, fonts, and colours in layouts.
PNG/JPG Logo Files
These are only available to District Staff on the district's OneDrive server.

School Colours
The school's official colours are used in the logo as well as various design devices and background colours. You may reference the colour information on this web page to a graphic designer, printing house, sign or clothing vendor, publication or newspaper if designing new items for your school.
What the Numbers Mean
P or PMS — Pantone Colour Matching System: used by most commercial printers, sign makers etc when printing "spot" colours
CMYK — Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black: used for 4-colour “process” printing; most digital printing is done in CMYK
RGB — Red, Green, Blue: used on digital screens...computers/websites, tvs, phones, tablets and other electronic devices
HEX — Hexidecimal number colour codes used in HTML for websites
Contact the District Communications Department if you have any questions about colour values for your project, document, or commercial printing job.

School Font
Use any font you like as long as it is Calibri. This is the font used by the district and all its schools and departments. The Internet provides access to thousands of fonts, but for our collective benefit, we’ll use just one: Calibri.
Though usually subconscious, our consistent use of fonts is an immediate identifier of our brand. It's easy, so let's use Calibri. It's is available on virtually every computer, and it easily translates from print to electronic materials.

Document Templates
A number of Microsoft Office format templates are provided to make clear and attractive communication easy. These include: Letterhead, Fax, Agenda/Minutes, Brochure, Form, Poster, PowerPoint. These are only available to District Staff on the district's OneDrive server.